Minor improvements to Lindon, Imladris and Woodland Realm models. New script to prevent the crashes related to the Battle Preferences file Complete overhaul of the weather system, with new lighting, terrain and vegetation models
The mod has been divided into 4 packs (main pack, models pack, buildings pack and weather pack) Weapons, Shields, General battle rules Balance system completely overhauled, including but not limited to: First custom general, Dáin II Ironfoot (Sons of the Mountain) Tier 1
Erebor (revamped and completed) New Units:LINDON Rise of Mordor Open Alpha v0.4.0 is out! This version comes with a revamped and complete Erebor faction, one new unit for Lindon, tweaks for other factions, the Dale siege map, the map for the Battle of the Five Armies, a weather overhaul and a balancing overhaul.